Write for Us

Write For Us

whatdigi is a blog-consumption destination for everyone who is interested in reading tech news, tech updates, tech trends, technology, business ideas, finance, future tech articles and more.
Our audience includes techies and non-techies belonging to multiple industries, which makes it the right place to guest-post for tech companies and businesses.

Guest Article Writer / Blogger Wanted

Today we announce we’re looking for articles from Digital Product Makers, Sellers, or managers like yourself, to publish on our fast-growing Digital Information blog. In return you get a short bio with a valuable back link to your website. You also get extra exposure through regular sharing of your post on our social media channels.

Some good topics to write about include:

  1. Digital Information About Digital Product
  2. Digital Product LIKE…
    • Cell Phones
    • Laptops
    • Mobile Towers
    • Wifi Products
  3. Digital Information Like ….
    • Information About Mobile OS
    • Special Information about IOS
    • Information about windows 7 & 10
    • Latest info about many more.
  4. Video marketing and video content
  5. eCommerce sales growth
  6. Target marketing About SEO
  7. Personalized content marketing

We prefer articles that stem from your personal experience as a business owner or manager which are helpful in nature. Prefer first-person point of view.

But if you’re a freelance writer, we’ll look at your work too. In this case, we like articles that establish authority in the Digital Information or operations niche. Include reputable statistics and sources to back up your points.

If you think it could help other small business owners, we want to hear about it!

Article Requirements

  • bullet-green15Article have Minimum 800 words, no maximum. Prefer 1,000+ words. We do minor editing as needed. We’ll supply images.
  • bullet-green15Post Original articles only. No duplicate content that’s already been published elsewhere.
  • bullet-green15Article must be good, high-quality English that doesn’t require a lot of editing.
  • bullet-green15We reserve the right to edit as needed.
  • bullet-green15If you submit an article, we respond within 4 days to let you know whether or not we’ll use it.
  • bullet-green15Links included in the article must NOT be promotional in nature and should support the topic. We do not allow links to home pages, landing pages, or sales pages and will automatically remove them unless we feel it’s relevant. Links to blog posts, case studies, surveys, and white papers that support the topic may be permitted.bullet-green15No need to add internal links to our blog. We do that on our end.
  • bullet-green15Anchor text for the back link must be relevant to the topic. For example, if the article is about “lead generation,” you can’t use “car dealer” as an anchor text.
  • We reserve the right or edit, without notice, any links in the article.
  • bullet-green15Backlink URLs – Website URLs used in the article must have readily accessible contact information, including business name, physical address, and phone number. We only want to deal with real, reputable companies.
  • bullet-green15No sponsored posts please. We do not charge you to publish guest articles.
    • However we don’t accept sponsored posts (in which you pay for a link.)
  • Author Requirements
    • Submit a valid social profile for yourself, not a business. LinkedIn preferred but we also accept Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
  • bullet-green15Short bio required, up to about 50 words. You get one do-follow back link in your bio.
    • The website URL in this link must contain business contact info including name, physical address and phone number.

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