TikTok VS YouTube

TikTok VS Youtube – A Battleground

We all have heard of the two greatest entertaining video platforms, Tiktok and Youtube. And why wouldn’t we? With over a billion downloads, TikTok and youtube are the most used apps up to date. Not only that, but they are also rivals of each other and competing ever since Tiktok came into being.  

They have the biggest digital rivalry going on. However, the two platforms are not even close to comparing when it comes to content. TikTok provides short-reel, whereas Youtube has no restrictions on the time limit. Thus, their contents are not alike, and so are their users. This difference in content and users ignited a TikTok VS Youtube thread followed by a debate about which platform is better.

It was all okay as long as it was a war of memes and roasts, but, Hey. Say hello to a new drama!

YouTube VS TikTok

TikTok VS Youtube- A boxing match

The TikTok VS Youtube fight went from a keyboard battle to an on-stage clash in just a matter of time. It all started with the feud between the TikTok star Bryce Hall and famous Youtuber Austin Mcbroom. 

In December 2020, Mcbroom openly called out Bryce Hall on Twitter for a boxing match. In no time, Youtube VS TikTok boxing was trending on Twitter, followed by ‘’Youtuber VS TikTok’’ and ‘’Tiktok VS Youtuber’’ hashtags.

Bryce was hesitant to accept the challenge at first. However, his followers were pushing him to take Mcbroom 1v1. But Bryce demanded an increase in the bet amount, which got accepted. And Bryce was happy to take the challenge.

The hype was so much that it influenced many other TikTok and Youtube stars with millions of followers to join the bandwagon. Thus, it was not just a battle between two stars, but it was a battle of two platforms. 

The on-staged battles were unfortunate for team TikTok as they lost six matches out of seven, including the fight of Bryce and Mcbroom. Team Youtube won the overall battle by a 6-1 margin. 

TikTok VS YouTube

Tiktok or Youtube?

These debates and fights are on and off between the two rivals. However, if we were to crown one platform, which would it be? Both platforms provide high-quality content to the viewers then how can we choose one from the two? Let’s see their differences and then decide.

TikTok prioritizes entertainment over in-depth content because they want the viewers to stay in the scroll cycle. They encourage the creators to make only short-reels. The maximum video time is 180 seconds, which is inadequate to make an in-depth video. Thus, a creator is bound to join the entertainment genre.

On the other hand, Youtube has no such restrictions upon its users. We can find all types of content on youtube. Be it a 15-minute educational video or a 2-hour long movie Youtube will not disappoint you. 

TikTok and Youtube, both platforms, are working in their way to bring value to us viewers. Although Youtube has the upper hand in viewer experience and usage, TikTok is still not a bad option for pastimes. Here’s a question for you, why do we say TikTok VS Youtube when we can use both concurrently? It will take some of the storage on our phones, that’s all!

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