The ever-evolving Tech industry is on the verge of introducing new and complex concepts throughout the timeline. Isn’t it overwhelming to comprehend the tech jargon thrown out by the industry, sounding like a completely alien language? If yes, then why do you think we are here? We are here to demystify this jargon for you.
This time around, the metaverse is the trending topic every tech passionate has on their checklist. The name metaverse and its concept came from the author Neal Stephenson in his sci-fi novel, Snow Crash, in 1992. However, it lately got on the hot topic list when the CEO of Facebook, Mark, changed his company’s name to Meta.
Curious to know what is Facebook metaverse is? But before you jump to the Facebook metaverse, you may need to know what exactly is the metaverse.
What is the Metaverse?
The metaverse meaning is similar to cyberspace, a virtual world where users can socially interact via computers or any other tech devices. Sounds plain? Well, this is not it.
It is a mixture of virtual reality (VR)- an artificial environment where you can play around, and augmented reality (AR)- an enhanced and digital model of the real world.
The concept is to combine these elements of technology, VR and AR, to form a new 3D digital environment, a replica of the physical world. A digital environment made from 3D holographic buildings and avatars. A virtual world where you can coexist with other people and do activities together like hanging out, attending concerts and conferences, and even traveling the world. Now everything is possible virtually and by staying inside your room. Roblox and Fortnite are prime examples of virtual spaces where people spend hours a day entertaining themselves and socializing with strangers.
Since this new tech has such potential, tech giants like Facebook (or Meta, we shall call it now?) and Microsoft are investing BIG portions to stake-claim the metaverse. Mark Zuckerberg says that metaverse is the future. However, we still don’t know what this future holds for us and when it will happen. Or do we?
When will it get here?
According to Mark Zuckerberg, metaverse will take another five to ten years before going full mainstream. It is just the estimate that Mark believes. However, at some point, it sounds likely to happen. We can already see aspects of the metaverse and technological advancements that were foolish to think 50 years back. Come on, who would have thought of the internet in the 1970s? And now we have 5G internet available in most of the countries.
The metaverse is something like a future thingy that we can’t understand to that extent at the time being. However, we do have a little idea about what metaverse is. So can we tell if it will have a positive or negative impact on the users? We have already seen kids and teenagers obsessing over virtual games. Right? And since metaverse is vast than that, can we safely say that the pros and cons will be debatable? Do drop your opinion in the comment box!
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