8 Quick Mobile Photography Ideas for Beginners

We understand your struggle shuffling between pages and people, searching for quick mobile photography ideas for beginners. We know how your artistic spark is dying to bring that aesthetic frame to life. The one you’ve imagined so ornately in your mind. We know how awful it feels to have no clue about how to execute your master plan.

And we at WhatDigi, also know how to help you out with this. So, buckle up! By the time you’re through this post, you’ll have a definite lead about how, to begin with, professional photography with only a smartphone at hand, and that too at your home! Let’s get started.


So, is it possible to take Professional Photographs with Smartphones?


Before proceeding any further, let us first hush away our doubts. Let us first assess our moves and motives rationally.

Are we fooling ourselves, or is it possible to take professional photographs with mobile phones?

Well, yes. With the right specs and skills, you can take professional photographs with the phone. Practicing professional photographers have affirmed the fact and even demonstrated it themselves. Below, we have given a complete guide about how to approach phone photography. And also some very creative mobile photography ideas for beginners at home.

Note that smartphones may never be able to compete with DSLRs or other professional cameras, but they still can help us to take quite impressive images. Smartphone photography is suitable for both candid and planned shots.


A Beginner’s Guide to Mobile Photography Ideas


As a beginner, sometimes it might become frustrating for you to take good pictures. Be it with a phone or professional camera. However, in either case, understanding the basics of photography and making efficient use of tricks can help you achieve a photographer’s degree of perfection.

Well, not accurately professional, as discussed above, but we can still take eye-catching shots with the correct use of settings and editing apps on the play store. With that said, let us educate ourselves on the basics of mobile photography.


  • Arrange Appropriate Lighting for Mobile Photography

Look for the perfect bright and lit area to set up your shot as some phones can do better in dim light but some can’t focus properly in such situations. Set the source of light as such that it doesn’t point directly on your camera but on the object instead or simply set it behind or above you. Taking the picture in natural light gives it some distinct quality from those taken indoors.

Arrange Appropriate Lighting for Mobile Photography | Whatdigi


  • Better Play with Distance than Zoom

8 Quick Mobile Photography Ideas for Beginners | WhatdigiTry not to zoom the frame. The digital zoom won’t focus your picture or make it larger but will only blow up the image quality making it grainy and pixelated. So if you need a closer shot then moving towards the subject is a far better option than zooming it in.


  • Clean the Lens

Always clean the lens of a mobile camera whether it be the front or back one. Cleaning the camera preferably with a microfiber cloth will get rid of the smudges and dirt from the lens and you will surely notice a world of difference in the image quality.

8 Quick Mobile Photography Ideas for Beginners | Clean the Lens | Whatdigi


  • Frame-oriented Mobile Photography Ideas

Before taking a picture please try to perfectly set up the shot i.e. make sure that the subject is in the correct position with respect to the light and environment. Try to get rid of unnecessary objects from the frame, as you don’t want your laundry being a part of your perfect picture right? I would suggest having the subject slightly off-center and far from the background will bring it in the crisp focus of the camera.

8 Quick Mobile Photography Tips you should know! - WhatDigi


  • Familiarize with the Rule of Thirds

Based on the ´rule of thirds´ breaking an image into vertical and horizontal thirds and then placing the points of interest and focus in these grids will give you more balanced photos. This might be the easiest way to improve your picture’s quality.

Rule of Thirds | 8 Quick Mobile Photography Ideas for Beginners | WhatDigi


  • Realize the Impact of Angles

Many people are habitual of taking the picture from the same angle every time holding up the phone at their eye level, this practice will only give you basic pictures. Try changing your position relative to the subject or using height and depth angle to your advantage. These angles are called “hero shots” for a reason as they can make your subject look a tad bit powerful.


  • Make Effective Use of Apps


No doubt your phone can take good pictures itself but there is no harm in taking a trip to the play store and finding some editing apps on the grounds of making your picture more vividly appealing. There is a number of apps with effects, backgrounds, filters, stickers, and numerous other options to enhance your picture, using these apps will help you make the picture incredibly perfect.


Try Creative Mobile Photography Ideas

Well, now it’s time to practice! Put everything you just learned into use by practicing the following: mobile photography ideas for beginners.


  • Fruits in a Frenzy:
  • Pick any round and juicy fruit and cut it in half in a natural way. Stick the upper half to a fruit cutting knife, throw the latter from below, and click as the fruit comes in contact with the upper half. Know that it will take a lot of practice before you get the perfect shot, and you will need the help of another person in executing this.


  • Still Life:

  • Perhaps, one of the easiest ways to practice and perfect your mobile photography skills is to make good use of the object lying around. Select a few objects. Be it fruits, books, ornaments, or anything you truly like. Just make sure it’s not a moving object. Place it in front of a plain backdrop and play with lights and shadows. Of course, brighter lights give you a better room for play. But if you’ve got a good low-light camera, you can experiment with that too.


  • Panoramic Pictures:

  • Here comes one of the convenient ways to practice your framing and rule of thirds. If you see something humongous and jaw-dropping, enable the panoramic mode on your camera (often known as Pano Mode). Try combining two walls of your room or so.


  • Rubik’s Cube:

  • Most professionals rank capturing a Rubik’s cube’s sharp edges and colors beautifully in a setting as one of the best mobile photography ideas for beginners. It’s slightly challenging to blend the sharpness and capture a natural picture. But surely, in the process of overcoming this challenge, you’ll learn a lot!



  • Mirror Pictures:

  • Mirror photography is rather technical. And it may feel a bit difficult for beginners. However, the results are just stunning, and you surely do not want to miss out on it. Just arrange a reflective surface and a cool object to capture. Arrange both such that there’s a mix of reflection and reality, and of course, aesthetic frame. And click!
  • 8 Quick Mobile Photography Ideas for Beginners | Mirror Pictures Idea | Whatdigi


5 Mobile Photography IDEAS and HACKS you must try!


Final Words

So to wrap it up, taking an amazingly incredible and eye-catching picture could become a routine thing for you by just following the tips mentioned in the guide above.  Keep in mind that patience is the key. You will have to practice the mobile photography ideas for beginners, given above, over and over until you perfect them. But eventually, you will get the hang of it! With time you can become a pro and impress your family and friends with your amazing and incredible photography skills.





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